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Preparing your Home for Spring

At Four Seasons we view the home as a palace… but we are all guilty of slacking on some of our home duties. Be honest with yourself: when was the last time you cleaned the gutters? Replaced the air filters? Tested the smoke alarms? We understand life is busy, and time is limited. Our daily nonstop routines leave us little opportunity to address these needs. However, as spring is approaching and the weather is getting warmer, we must stop neglecting these chores. If you take some time to get your home ready for spring now, it will be clean and ready to withstand the summer heat and rain storms. Below are 12 recommendations of different maintenance techniques and tips to prepare your house for the new season. 

 Clean the Gutters

For this activity, you may need to get your hands dirty, so don’t forget to wear gloves! Grab a ladder and check your gutters for debris. Use your hands first to scoop out anything that has accumulated over the fall and winter. If necessary, use a garden hose to remove any leftover material. Summon a helper for this part of the cleanup to turn on the water when you have the hose in position in the gutters. Put the hose in downspout to make sure you clean out all of the cracks and crevices. Lastly, make sure to avoid getting water close to the foundation walls.

 Scrub the Walls, Outlets, and Baseboards

Get your sponge ready: add some mild soap and water and then get to work. Scrub all walls; and I mean all. The bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms, living area, and den are all equally deserving of a makeover. And do not forget to wash down every inch of the wall, spending extra time on the baseboards and outlets. A tip to stay safe is to make sure to completely dry the outlet covers before replacing. 

 Replace Filters

We know you have been avoiding this activity for months, but what better time than during a full-on spring cleaning session to change the filters! Replace the air, water, and range hood filters. Just a reminder, you should try to do this every 3 to 6 months based on the type of filter you have to ensure the best quality air and water. 

Clean Faucets and Showerheads

Your faucets deserve the very best treatment for keeping you clean and healthy. To properly clean faucets and showerheads, unscrew the faucet aerators, sink sprayers and showerheads, and soak them in a solution of half water and half vinegar. After an hour, rinse them with warm water.

Clean out the Dryer Vent

Time to find the dust bunnies that have been hiding from you. To clean the dryer vent, disconnect the vent from the back of the machine. Then, use a dryer vent brush to remove all lint. Once you complete this, step outside to remove the dryer vent cover and remove excess lint from the other end. A clogged dryer vent can be very dangerous, so make sure to properly clean it out. 

Wash Exterior Windows

We are here to tell you that you need more than just rain to clean the outside of your windows. A suggestion would be to hire a window-cleaning service to complete this task, but if that is not your style, you may have to invest in cleaning supplies to properly clean your windows on your own. 

A Dust a Day Keeps the Allergens Away!

Decluttering your home, dusting, vacuuming, checking for leaking pipes, and refreshing air filters are all effective ways to avoid dust, mold, and pollen.

Check Foundation Vents

Vents along foundation walls help to provide air circulation, prevent excess moisture and mold growth, and keep critters at bay. Spring is the time to use your hands or a vacuum to collect the leaves and debris that has gotten stuck in these vents in the fall and winter. Additionally, repair any damaged screens that could let critters in.

Clean the Grill

It is BBQ season! We love a nice barbeque, surrounded by family, friends, and good food. Follow the necessary maintenance tips for your specific grill to prepare it for a long summer of use. Make sure the grease pan is clean from old cooking debris; this could be a fire hazard.

Prepare your Garden

Go to the store to purchase the right soil and materials to help you grow your ideal summer garden. This can be a fun way to get your family involved in a fun outdoor activity. 

Test Smoke Alarms

Unfortunately, the likelihood that most people check their smoke alarms to make sure they are working properly frequently is small. Take a moment to test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and replace batteries wherever necessary. This quick and inexpensive process can save somebody’s life and preserve your home. 

Clean Outdoor Furniture

As you prepare to host gatherings in your backyard (once it is safe to do so), clean down your outdoor furniture to ensure it is in great shape for when your company arrives.

We hope these tips were helpful in getting your home ready for spring. With any questions, concerns, or interest, feel free to contact us at the number below, or come visit one of our various locations. Happy cleaning!

Contact us: 888-618-4120

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